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Public Records Request Form

The Tennessee Public Records Act (TPRA) grants Tennessee citizens the right to access open public records that exist at the time of the request. The TPRA does not require records custodians to compile information or create or recreate records that do not exist nor does the public have access to documents and information exempted by state and federal law.

If costs for copies are assessed, the requestor has a right to receive an estimate. Likewise costs will be estimated for delivery other than on site pickup.

Provide a detailed description of the record(s) requested, including: (1) type of record; (2) timeframe or dates for the records sought; and (3) subject matter or key words related to the records. Under the TPRA, record requests must be sufficiently detailed to enable a governmental entity to identify the specific records sought. As such, your record request must provide enough detail to enable the records custodian responding to the request to identify the specific records you are seeking.

By clicking I agree, you agree and acknowledge that 1) your application will not be "Signed" in the sense of a traditional paper document and 2) By signing in this alternate manner, you agree that your electronic signature is valid and binding upon you to the same force and effect as a handwritten signature.

This information is made available to the public and law enforcement in the interest of public safety.
Any unauthorized use of this information is forbidden and subject to criminal prosecution.