County News

Volunteer Stars Nominations Needed

Nominations for the Ninth Annual Governor's Volunteer Stars Awards are now being accepted within Montgomery County. The awards will celebrate the efforts of volunteers who strive to improve their communities through service.

One youth and one adult will be selected in Montgomery County to receive this prestigious award. Nominees will be judged based on the community's needs of the volunteer service performed, initiative taken to perform the service, creativity used to solve a community problem and impact of the volunteer service on the community.

Nomination forms are available at the County Mayor's Office, 1 Millennium Plaza, and online at Nominations must be received by the County Mayor's Office by Friday, December 16, 2016. Mayor JimDurrett states, "We know that Montgomery County has an overwhelming number of incredible volunteers that go out of their way to help others. Please take time to nominate those volunteers that exemplify the volunteer spirit and that make a difference in our community."

Recipients of the Montgomery County volunteer awards will be honored at the Governor'sVolunteer Stars ceremony in Nashville in early 2017. For more information call Elizabeth Black at 931-648-8482.

Volunteer Tennessee is coordinating the Governor's Volunteer Stars Awards at the state level. Volunteer Tennessee is the 25 member bipartisan citizen board appointed by the Governor to oversee AmeriCorps and service-learning programs and to advance volunteerism and citizen service to solve community problems in the Volunteer State. 

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