County News

Veterans Outreach Seminar Set For April 26

The Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization is hosting a Veterans Outreach for veterans and their dependents from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., April 26, at William O. Beach Civic Hall in Veterans Plaza, 350 Pageant Lane, Clarksville. Representatives from the MCVSO, Tennessee Department of Veterans Affairs, VA health care, veterans groups and federal, state, county and community agencies will be available to provide information and enrollment opportunities for veterans and other eligible beneficiaries. The TDVA will be filing claims on-site so bring DD-214s and any rating or other VA letters you may have.

Learn more about VA benefits such as:

  • Service-Connected Disability
    Compensation Claims and Appeals
  • Dependent and Survivor
  • Non-Service Connected Pensions
  • Burial Benefits
  • VA Healthcare
  • GI Bill, Vocational
    Rehabilitation and other Education Entitlements
  • Military service and
    discharge records
  • Agent Orange and Gulf War

Information will also be available about non –VA programs and entitlements for veterans and their families from other agencies and veterans groups.

For more information call the Montgomery County Veterans Service Office at 931-553-5173.