County News

Two Businesses Achieve Green Certification

Congratulations to Bridgestone Metalpha USA and 5 Star Radio Group for being the first two businesses to complete the Green Certification Program in Montgomery County. The Clarksville-Montgomery County Green Certification Program made its debut through a Leadership Clarksville study group project, but quickly garnered the support of both City and County officials. The program is devised of a group of workshops to help businesses improve their enviromnetal footprint by documenting their current impact, identifying ways to improve, and implementing those improvements. Currently 36 other local businesses are participating in the program.

The first annual Green Certification Banquet is scheduled for Tuesday, May 22 at 6 p.m. at Waterstreet Events Center. Tickets for the event are $50 each or $400 for a table.

If you would like for your business to take part in the next series of workshops or if you just want more information on the program, contact Michelle Newell at [email protected].