Library Hosts Food for Fines
The Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library is excited to announce its first Food for Fines food drive program that will allow library customers to exchange canned goods and other select foods for library overdue fines. Food for Fines benefits Manna Cafe and will be held May 26-June 7, 2015 at the Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library. Library card holders may have $1 of eligible fines waived for each of the following items brought in during the drive: canned soups, canned beans, canned vegetables, canned fruits, canned meats, peanut butter, mac and cheese, boxed meals, and full-size boxes of cereal. No glass items accepted. Fine waives will not apply to lost items. Expired or opened packages will not be accepted. A maximum of $30 in fines will be eligible for waiving. In order to help Manna Café and the Clarksville-Montgomery County community, the public may bring in items even if they have no fines, however credit will not be applied to library accounts for future fines. If the program is successful, the library hopes to repeat it in the future on a regular basis. For more information contact Annie Herlocker at [email protected] or 931-648-8826 X61400.