County News

Give Your Input on the Transportation Needs of Montgomery County

Our future prosperity depends on our ability to keep people and goods moving safely and efficiently within, and through, the greater Clarksville area. 

Between now and the year 2040, our population will grow about 50 percent, reaching a total of more than 250,000 people.  This growth will influence travel patterns and the types of transportation facilities and services that our citizens need.

Your input is needed as we update the 25-year Metropolitan Transportation Plan, which addresses travel by all modes, including streets and highways, bikeways and walkways, public transportation, aviation, rail and waterways. 

The Plan will include only the projects and programs that can be funded with the amount of revenue expected to be available over the next 25 years.  This may mean difficult choices must be made – so it is important for you to participate in the discussion of needs and priorities!

The survey is located at or to see what projects were recommended by the last plan (2009), click here.