County News

County-Wide Food Drive Benefitting Manna Cafe

The holidays are quickly approaching and it’s the time of year when many in our community need assistance. Montgomery County Government is partnering with Manna Café Ministries to host a county-wide food drive. All county offices will be collecting non-perishable food items beginning Monday, October 15 and going through the month of November. Donations will be distributed through Manna Café to those needing assistance. If you are interested in donating, look for the box marked Manna Café Food Donation located inside all county offices. 

Mayor Carolyn Bowers states, “Manna Café is constantly helping those citizens in need with a hot meal or food for their table and we need the community’s help to stock their shelves for the winter. The demand for services provided by Manna Cafe continues to grow and we are fortunate to have them locally to provide assistance to those our community.”

Manna Café Ministries is devoted to meeting the needs of homeless and low-income families in Montgomery County. Manna Café provides four hot meals a week and 50,000 pounds of food in food boxes to over 1,500 local citizens a month.