County News

2013 Volunteers Stars Announced

Congratulations go to Nick Cunningham and Stacy Frazier for being selected the Montgomery County recipients for the 2013 Governor'sVolunteer Stars Awards.

Cunningham, the Montgomery County Youth honoree, is a 19 year old with a very giving heart. Nick is a very active participant of the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA). He began as a participant in RYLA, then moved to a counselor-in-training and then served as a counselor. He is responsible for the direct supervision of twelve RYLAtarians during a weeklong youth leadership program. He serves as a great example for the youth and they all speak highly to Nick's leadership ability. He is a charter member of the Clarksville Community Interact Club and was selected by his peers to spearhead this process with Rotary International. Nick is a true go getter and a great role model for all who surround him. We are proud to have him as this year's recipient of the Montgomery County Youth Award.

Frazier, the Montgomery County Adult honoree, serves as a valuable volunteer team member of the Montgomery County Drug Court. Drug Court promotes judicial intervention and rehabilitation to substance abuse offenders. She is a 2008 graduate of drug court and now volunteers her time to help others overcome the struggles of addiction. She shares her experiences, strength and hope to participants through the eyes of someone that has been in their shoes. As a team member, she provides insight and guidance to the participants and is a great example of the success of the program. Meetings are held weekly, and Stacy drives from her home in Cedar Hill to Montgomery County to attend. Her volunteer efforts and commitment to this program reach far beyond her own recovery to the many lives she continues to touch through her assistance. As of February 1, 2013 she has 2,372 days in recovery and is a shining example of the motto of drug court..."Drug Court works if you work it." We are very proud to have her as this year's adult Volunteer Star for Montgomery County!